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Success stories

I will, from time to time, include success stories related to any one or more of my area of practice. These are designed to inspire people as to what is possible with one or more of the treatments I offer. The stories are not necessarily my own successes but rather the successes of the treatment, so unless I say otherwise, please assume that I was not the person giving the treatment in a particular story.

"To the Shiatsu Society - Shiatsu Success Story (Alzheimers)

I would like Shiatsu Society to have this story as it could help other Alzheimers sufferers to have the chance to improve, just as my husband has. Alzheimers is a terrible condition, not only for the person concerned but also for the families of those people, who watch them steadily go down hill. It is devastating.

My husband has suffered with Alzheimers for some years now. Last July, our local newspaper printed a story about a story about a group of people from the Nottingham School of Shiatsu (Tracy Footit, Rakesh Verma and Yvette Sinclair-France) who gave free Shiatsu at a Mind Body Spirit Fayre, so that people could try it. We had tried everything to help my husband, but nothing worked and I watched him become more and more depressed about his condition. For years he would not speak to people, as he stumbled over his words and felt embarrassed. His eyes looked dead, he withdrew into a little world of his own and was understandably depressed. He also had difficulty with movement.

I wondered if Shiatsu would help him. I found out that one of the people (Yvette)who had given Shiatsu at the event lives in this area. We booked immediately. She told me that she could not claim that Shiatsu could relieve Alzheimers but was willing to see him.
My husband had Shiatsu and the effect was instant! I sat with him during the session and was amazed, as I watched him relax for the first time in years. His eyes looked alive afterwards and he was smiling. Over the months of having regular Shiatsu his speech has improved and now he speaks to total strangers - a thing he would never have done before - he is so much improved that he has been cracking jokes with the family and laughing - its so good to see it!

He is now able to move his limbs with far more control and a few weeks ago he got up and danced with me. Not only that, but because he is so much better we went on holiday a few weeks ago for the first time in ages. This is something that was not possible before.
I have no idea if Shiatsu would work on everyone but its worth a try. Because of Shiatsu, I now have my husband back. Not cured of course but more like his old self that I could ever have imagined was possible.

Mrs Robinson
Heanor, Derbyshire"

Nadia Reid | Shiatsu and Reflexology | nadia@shiatsuandreflexology.co.uk